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How Software Has Revolutionized Estimation

Over the period of last decade or so, conventional methods of developing takeoffs using pen & paper have been replaced with easy-to-use, powerful, and time-saving computer-aided estimation software.

  • Companies that have adopted this change have edged past the competition in growth and profitability. These tools allow companies to work smarter and bid on more jobs in less time. We have adopted that change and have been helping the construction industry to bid more and win more.
  • Construction cost estimating software is computer software designed for contractors to estimate construction costs for a specific project. A cost estimator will typically use estimating software to estimate their bid price for a project, which will ultimately become part of a resulting construction contract. Some architects, engineers, construction managers, and others may also use cost estimating software to prepare cost estimates for purposes other than bidding.

With the advent of computers in business, estimators began using spreadsheet applications like VisiCalc, Lotus 1-2-3, and Microsoft Excel to duplicate the traditional tabular format, while automating redundant mathematical formulas

Revolutionary Benefits of using software in estimation are as follows:

1. Efficiency

Efficiency is one of the main benefits you’ll enjoy when using digital estimation software. In fact, compared to all the other software products currently in use in your business, no other software will be able to save you time and money like estimating software. By improving the speed and efficiency of your estimating, you’ll be able to put more quotes out into the marketplace, win more jobs, and dedicate more time to other important areas of your business. It could be the case that you have implemented global payment systems if you’ve got clientele in different parts of the world; for this, estimation software can likely help with quotes depending on currencies as well.

2. Accuracy

In a turbulent economy and competitive market, it has never been more crucial for you to keep track of your subcontractor expenses, actual labor costs, equipment costs, and material costs than it is today. It’s essential that you have the ability to track all your back orders, stored materials, and the ones that have already been installed in a recent build. Estimating software drives this accuracy, allowing you to establish the build’s closest true cost.

Estimating software is not only a powerful computing solution for these figures but also empowers users to achieve greater accuracy for projects they intend to tender for. Additionally, it pinpoints your labor costs and the total volume of materials that will be required for a project.

3. Consistency

When you use construction estimating software, you will be able to form estimates that utilize similar procedures and expenses every time you have a new build. This ensures a consistent process across all projects.

The software also maintains a database of prices and costs that can be updated as needed, providing your estimator with tools they can use in future builds and avoiding costly build overruns. These features make it possible to compare past projects, establish a construction time frame, and take advantage of streamlined systems and processes.

4. Integrations

With estimating software, you can integrate your work with other key software solutions for your business; giving you the ability to streamline your workflow, and reduce replication of data. Software integrates with a range of systems, to help you streamline your processes and make your work easier, including Microsoft Excel, Xero accounting software, Builder Trend project management software, and Mudshark earthworks estimating software.

5. Professionalism

Apart from providing you with accuracy, consistency, precision, and speed, estimating software will also take your overall professionalism to new heights. As a contractor operating in today’s competitive construction industry, it’s important that you don’t fall behind the pack by using outdated processes and cumbersome technology.

Producing professional quotes and reports will give your customers an extra degree of confidence in your business. Software allows you to generate a range of customizable reports, so you can include the specific information you need, and personalize it to match your unique brand.

Advancement in Estimation Process:

With the advancement in technology, many estimation software like Plan Swift, Blue Beam, etc. are used to estimate the different types of projects that not only allow us to estimate the project quickly but efficiently also. Further errors in making calculations were also eradicated due to the use of this software. Different software also allows us to export the Excel file making calculation easier and error-free.

No doubt, estimation software revolutionized the estimation procedure and made it beneficial for the estimators to estimates the exact estimate of the project. The software also allows us to take off the exact area, length, volume, and rebar calculation and thus allowing making more profit.